Sunday, March 8, 2009


These are some of the Flowers in my yarden.

This is the very first flower of the season on the amazing
Mexican Anacacho Orchid Tree.
I love this tree.
this is its 3rd
year in the ground
and it looks as though
it will be the best bloom yet.

I just planted this tree yesterday
it's name is
Alexander Magnolia.

It will be absoloutly covered
in these flowers this week
and putting on leaves the next.

Here is the lettuce flower...

it came and went.

Onion Blossom
Soon I'll have big
beautiful sweet

Bulbine. 1st year
Well, Spring is just on the other side. The buds are begining to split, blossom, tiny leaves are peaking out of the tips of branches, ladybugs and bees are about, and the weather may soon be right for the hot times vegetables. But before we say goodbye to the beauties of the winter I'll tell you all a story.
This experience for me was a reward. I went with my lovely girlfriend to the grocery store to fetch some vegetables to cook up some dindin. We grabbed an onion and carrots, then I looked around for some others. I saw beets, I have beets in the garden. I saw lettuce and spinach, those two too I have. I saw broccoli and chard, growing healthily also in my garden. Garlic chives as well. We went on home with just the onion and carrots. We went on home and harvested. The prize that night was the human fist sized beets, lord they were delicious.

Below are some new pics.
1. Early Bluebonnettes
2. Broccoli in flower with bee
3. Broccoli in full flower
4. Various lettuces
5. Beet

Oh the burgeoning springtime!